( For the texts and pictures books, publications, guidelines for example in awmf.org and contributions of colleagues were consulted.)
(the image of the imitation of the statue was kindly provided by the greek art in Plaka in Athens)
The movement in the open air (or even with the windows open) was understood as a balance to the increasingly industrialized environment. Exercising is an extremely far more tangible concept. In principle, any healthy sporting activity is a form of fitness training, eg training in a sports club, in the gym or even the avoidance of escalators and elevators in favor of stairs – including movement in everyday life. Targeted fitness training usually includes cardio, strength training and coordination training. In compliance with health concerns with regard to the age, it is important for children and young people to improve their fitness, coordination and resilience.
Hygeia, now-a-days, we translate, the concept of Hygeia and Hippocrates (see Philosophy) as a wellness: good health, holistic health concept.
Life style wellness concept is based on wellbeing, fun and a good physical condition. Today by wellness especially methods and treatments to improve the physical, mental or emotional well-being are meant.
Materials with various methods such as massage, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management trying to achieve the well-being and satisfaction. In line with this holistic-approach to wellness can be understood as a harmony of body, mind and soul. It can also be translated as homeostasis.
Wellness can also be described as a state that combines health and happiness. Thus, those factors that contribute to being healthy and happy will also likely contribute to being well. Factors that contribute to health and happiness have long been recognized, at least since the time of Ancient Greeks. To achieve a state of wellness, one has to work on its determinants.
The determinants of wellness are often considered in different dimensions: awareness and the initiative to improve one’s state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, social and/or occupational health.
The aging population participates in wellness programs in order to feel better and have more energy. Wellness programs allow individuals to take increased responsibility for their health behaviors. People often enroll in a private wellness program to improve fitness, stop smoking, or to learn how to manage their weight. Nutrition, or stress management training, nature and outdoors activities, health risk assessments, and health screenings are for that important.
• conscious diet
• fitness-conscious movement: regular, appropriate exercise programs
• mentally: relaxation and stress management techniques such as autogenic training, meditation, and passive type: sauna and massage
• appreciation of nature and stimulants