( For the texts and pictures books, publications, guidelines for example in awmf.org and contributions of colleagues were consulted.)
Fungal disease of the scalp (tinea capitis)
There are various fungi (depending on country/continent) that lead to varying degrees of inflammation of the scalp. In mild cases, only a superficial fungal infection leads to scaly and sometimes to small hairless area.
Stronger and deeper fungal infections often lead to purulent, inflammatory and heavily covered with scabs. It can lead to permanent scarring with hairless areas in insufficient or late onset of therapy.
Carriers of fungal diseases are domestic animals such as cats. For therapy , topical and systemic medications are applied.
Bacterial infections of the scalp ( Bacterial Folliculitis )
Primary or as a result of other scalp disorders, an infection of the hair follicle with bacteria (usually staphylococci) can occur. Clinically, it is the formation of yellowish, purulent skin lesions. By an existing itching pustules are often excoriated by those affected, resulting in a spread of inflammation. For therapy, topical and systemic medications are applied.